Rhonda's Spicy Mango Chutney Recipe Archive

Rhonda's Spicy Mango Chutney Recipe Archive is a free online archive for spicy mango chutney recipes that is dedicated to sharing lots of free recipes suplied by the public to the public.

Featured Recipe: Rhonda's Spicy Mango Chutney

Created by Rhonda Wise, 1994, Northern Territory

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Yields: Approximately 10 375g jars

Additional Information:

Will keep for 12 months unrefrigerated

Once opened refrigerate and use within 14 days

The chutney gets more mellow with age and it will lose some of it’s bite for the chilli

Be sure to label your finished chutney with the date of manufacture

Ensure the jars are thoroughly washed and dried before bottling